Friday, February 4, 2011


"When the morning (comes),I know that I will too!"
-Christina Aguilera

In observance of the song playing in my head this a.m ,Xtina's Sex for Breakfast (click here to listen); I pay an ode to breathtaking boudoir  images that are truly mesmerizing.Imagine yourself and a special valued significant other laying in these scenic settings in a utopia of memories from the previous night.
Intrigue is the gift of essence.This is what a organic bedroom should consist of.Love heavy as you rest.
Abandon yourself in relaxation.

 This is my fav.Lake view.Sun proudly beaming.White linen sheets.1000 minimum thread count.Love ensues.I miss you.

 This vintage angelic setting settles me in reminiscent of a Victorian theme. So eloquently arranged. Flowers + Romanticism is the focus. Baby love.
A more contemporary-style aesthetic puts me in the immediate mood of a soothing Mediterranean luxe.A oval-shaped ceramic tub in the bedroom? This room cause for an eternal celebration.
I'm feeling so vulnerable right now.

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