Falling in the categorization of mind-bending camp favorites such as Minority Report,Total Recall,Limitless or Butterfly Effect;Source Code delivers in theory and in conceptualization. Starring the endearing Jake Gyllenhal (whom acted in a similar plot in Donnie Darko) returns to this modern day time travel jinx that is nothing short of a cult masterpiece.The movie blends psychosis,drama,romance,time travel and the inquiry of second chances all into one big mysterious juggernaut of a movie.
I don't want to word vomit and give the plot away but this movie is most definitely a mind altering feast.
Jake's character is unknowingly assigned to a government sponsored simulation tank that allows his brain cells to coincide with a totally different person in a parallel world equivalent to his.His mission is to retrieve a bomb and the person who detonates it from a train that's heading into Chicago.He is allotted 8 minutes each time he is probed in.Each time he goes in he learns something new ,not only about his mission but about himself.This revelation ultimately triggers mass effects that alters the life he is assimilated but also the life that's traditionally in the parallel world the source code creates.I know my brief synopsis may have triggered slight confusion.Nevertheless,this movie executed the complex plot very well and it can be easily comprehended if one just simply pays attention.Overall,I give the movie a B+///You'll love the ending!
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