Friday, February 11, 2011

VNTM:The Essence of Embracing///

The Protection Embrace
Hand on lower back while your partner hugs the back of your neck resting their head on your chest:this signifies protection,warmth and safety.

 Chest to chest.Nose to nose.Palm to palm.We were always just that close...
Its not a surprising revelation that im not an avid fan of cuddling,caressing or holding when it comes to displaying my affection.Due to experience and social debating amongst friends,I've learned that its essential to a companionship.It can be an affirmation of all sorts of endearment,i know,but it can be kind of a nag at times.Sometimes,I prefer for my partner to chill on their side of the bed & me on mines.
 The Comforting Embrace
Chest to chest,holding hands,cheek to cheek all affirm that one is being comforted or friendly.Not one of the strongest components of affection but plausible nevertheless.

Touching,caressing,nibbling can be sensual and aggravating on the same accord.Its funny how I speak on topics I have little to no experience in.However,I am highly confident in my thesis.If i'm extremely fond of a dude and we're in the atmosphere of relaxation,some form of embrace is applicable.I guess more participation wont hurt on my end of applying affection.It is however second nature,complying to the fact that I'm a esteemed sexual organism myself. When I perform something,I does it well...and touching you is just the entree.
Power is my affliction.Ask about me!
Compounding to my efforts I listed a few examples of 'embrace'.Thoughts?
Meet me in the comment section..
The Playful Embrace
This gesture usually exemplifies extreme friendliness.It's usually among two people who are very comfortable and knowledgeable of one another.Personable conjunction.Wrestling,tugging,horseplay are still compliant forms of embracing.It always lead to other things .(Wink).

 The Sensual Embrace
This steamy demonstration confirms all beliefs in attraction,infatuation and immense passion.Usually naked or in dual high peaks,this embrace defies all the others.It heightens in every sense of the definition of 'embrace'.Two bodies,souls and hearts enveloped in one sexual unification is KING.

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